Headache Treatment
Physical Therapy
Whether your headaches are arising from injury or inflammation of the structures of the upper neck, or these structures are reacting to headaches from another source, the mechanics, joint movement, and muscular balance of the neck must be addressed as part of your overall treatment plan. The physical therapists at The Denver Spine and Pain Institute are skilled at treating upper neck and headache problems, and we can also assist in finding other skilled physical therapists near your home, if you are outside of our area.
We also work with other manual therapists who treat the joint dysfunctions, although we believe that addressing the muscular balance and proper firing patterns of the muscles is also very important and requires skilled physical therapy.
The positions and methods used during work, including desk or labor type work, recreation, such as bicycle riding, or positioning for other daily activities like working in the kitchen, sleeping, or reading can have an impact on your pain. Attention to the way in which things are done, the positions for activities, and modifications made to certain activities is known as ergonomics. We believe that proper instruction or help with modifications which may allow you to better enjoy your favorite activities is an important part of our treatment plan.
There are many medication options available to assist in the treatment of headache pain. Your provider will give you education regarding the most appropriate medication options for the treatment of your headaches and assist in making a mutual decision regarding the appropriate choice for you. This will be done by discussing the pros and cons as well as side effects of certain medication options. We may also suggest newer medication options, such as those for migraine headache, and often work in conjunction with your other medical providers in the coordination of care.
Injections or upper spine procedures can be very helpful in making the diagnosis as to the source of your upper neck and headache symptoms. This treatment may include injection of corticosteroids, or procedures may take away the sensation from injured joints or areas that have been diagnosed as the problems (radiofrequency ablation). In rare cases, spinal cord stimulation or other neuromodulation techniques can be utilized. When muscular problems are a key component of the pain (myofascial pain/trigger points) trigger point injections can be performed in the office. This is often combined with massage therapy, physical therapy, or dry needling efforts. The providers at The Denver Spine and Pain Institute will help you choose the right procedure option for you, always taking into consideration the pros and cons of the procedure, as well as any financial and corticosteroid exposure concerns that you may have.
Tension and postural issues often play a role in aggravating upper neck and headache symptoms. Muscle tension, including muscle tension headaches, can be addressed through programs that include frequent stretching, proper ergonomics, as well as relaxation training. We may recommend biofeedback or relaxation training with a psychologist, such as Joy Simpson, LPC, at MindYourPain, to assist you in mastering relaxation techniques that can have a positive impact on alleviating your headaches.
As we learn more and more about pain, we realize the importance of regular exercise, stress management, proper sleep, proper diet and use of supplements to assist in the treatment of your headache pain. Managing these aspects of your lifestyle can directly reduce inflammation, promote relaxation, and have other positive benefits that reduce your pain.