May 14-20 is National Women’s Health Week, a week designed to help women work toward being their happiest and healthiest at every age. This week serves to empower and encourage women to take steps to better their health and wellness.
There are several practical steps for kicking off this week and continuing your health journey. First, schedule an appointment with your doctor for a well-woman visit (checkup) and preventive screenings such as a blood pressure test, osteoporosis screening, mammogram, a Pap test, and more. These screenings are essential for early detection of cancer and other health issues. Next, incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as nutrient-rich starches and lean protein into your diet. Pay attention to your mental health and stress levels, and take the time to slow down and get enough sleep. To maintain good health, it is also smart to avoid unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and tobacco use.
Another important part of National Women’s Health Week is getting at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Exercise may include cardiovascular training such as a spinning class or grabbing a friend to go for a run. Walking is something nearly everyone can do and is an excellent way to be outdoors and enjoy the serenity of being one with nature. Playing sports such as soccer, lacrosse, rugby, or golf is another great way stay active mentally and physically.
It’s important to be aware of your body’s abilities to avoid injury. If an injury should occur, and many women sustain injuries to the shoulder, knee, hip, or back, physical therapy becomes essential for healing, improving muscle strength, flexibility, and joint mobility. Working with a physical therapist also helps to avoid surgery, aids in managing your pain and can help avoid sustaining future injuries.
If you have sustained injuries, call us, make an appointment to experience the many benefits of physical therapy. We offer sport-specialized therapy and spine-specialized physical therapy. Our physical therapists will help you get back on your feet to walk, play sports or treat nagging injuries which may keep you from doing what you love.
Call us today (303) 327-5511, and then plan on enjoying a summer of fun!
Give us a call today to schedule an appointment with one of our excellent providers at The Denver Spine and Pain Institute. 303-327-5511.
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