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Posture and Balance

Positioning Matters

Posture encompasses the positions we hold our bodies in when we are sitting, standing, walking, as well as going about our daily activities. Postural imbalances can contribute to pain and are therefore important to identify and address as part of a comprehensive care program. This includes:


  • Postural evaluation by your physical therapist
  • Correction of postural imbalances utilizing a combination of:

Because we typically only see you for 1-2 physical therapy sessions per week, what you do and how your hold your body during the rest of the week really matters. We may also offer advice on positioning during sleep to help you rest better, as well as workplace ergonomics.

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Ways to Improve Posture

One of the most important things we can do develop better posture is to keep moving and change positions often throughout the day. Most people in the US have sedentary jobs, which means between, meetings, travel, commuting, and working at a computer, much of our days are spent sitting. However, sitting or even standing all day can cause excessive stress on the spine. You can reduce this stress by changing positions and walking for a couple minutes every hour. Doing so provides the following benefits:

We recommend alternating positions rather than sitting or standing for most of your day when possible. Some other factors to evaluate in your workspace include:

Combined with a tailored home exercise program and other modalities, incorporating proper posture techniques into our everyday lives is key to improving and preventing the recurrence of pain.

Balance Training

Balance can be another important component of a comprehensive physical therapy program. How we balance is complex and involves feedback from many systems in our bodies. During a balance-targeted physical therapy evaluation, your physical therapist will use a variety of techniques to evaluate your neurological system and any orthopedic restrictions that might contribute. The physical therapist will then formulate a unique program, incorporating tools, exercises and stretches to retrain your brain, muscles and joints to increase confidence and improve balance throughout daily activities.

Excellent Comprehensive Care

At the Denver Spine and Pain Institute, we understand how restrictions in your body can negatively impact your rehabilitation efforts. Our team is committed to providing you with the mobility and pain relief necessary to enjoy your favorite activities and perform routine daily activities with ease. Our goal is to help you live life to the fullest once again.

We’re the only sports, back and pain specialists in the country providing a Connected Care Approach™ specifically designed to get you back to enjoying life faster. This approach involves:

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Please contact us today to schedule an appointment. The Denver Spine and Pain Institute serves patients in Denver and the surrounding areas of Colorado.

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